We've successfully managed and supervised the design development and engineering for numerous yachts, including more than a dozen megayachts in the 40- to 60-meter range. When appropriate and desired, we provide fully coordinated, single-stop shopping for yacht design and engineering, as well as exterior and interior styling. In addition to our basic team, we maintain contact with a select roster of highly experienced, strategically allied naval architects, marine engineers, and yacht stylists who stand ready to work under our direction on a project-specific basis. By using a blend of talented core team members and outsourced marine professionals, we afford our clients access to an exceedingly broad skills base, while at the same time maximizing cost-effectiveness and flexibility.
Just as important, at the Port Royal Group, we focus on interpreting and implementing our client's vision. Consequently, our oversight brings unified and consistent direction to multi-faceted team projects that might otherwise founder because of competing viewpoints and egos. This approach maximizes the potential for results that will meet your requirements and expectations.
Port Royal Group ...because experience always matters.
Copyright © 2010-2013 by Port Royal Group LLC
2831 NE 9th Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33062